Monday, 18 June 2012

Fetish Evolution weekend 2012 - Part II

On Sunday noon there was the rehearsal for Brigitte More's fashion show, which would take place at the ball in the evening. Like always she prepared a real kind of show, and not just girls walking the line one by one. Our show would be the headliner fashion show so I was proud to be part of this. It's the third year in a row that I'm walking for Brigitte at Fetish evolution, and always a pleasure to work with her.

I only have this picture with Honeyhair posing on the catwalk. You can see me in little in the back on the right side...waiting my turn :)

After the rehearsal I had to go back to the hotel to get my hair and make-up done by Mariska  de Jong. The make up was very nice and included a smokey eyeshadow with grey, black and metallic green. For the hair they chose a high ponytail and lots of curls. I think this was a hairstyle which doesn't really suit me (Not a big fan of curls + too much volume on and around my face), but it was definitely fitting for the show. Like always, having make-up and hair done involves a lot of waiting, and it was already very late afternoon by the time I was done.

There were several stands I still wanted to see at the expo, so we filled two more hours with strolling around there. Then back to the hotelroom to choose my outfit for the ball and getting some food, and off to the venue! We (Me-Chiel, Tony Mitchell, Stéphane Roy, Lotte Groeneweg, Lara Aimée, and myself) squeezed in all together in Michiel's little car (it was a fun ride for sure!) and arrived a little bit later at the MudiaArt. Earlier that day we were told to NOT come via the main entrance but take the backstage entrance. But we waited and waited (while it was freezingly cold in just a little latex dress!) but no-one answered the door. In the end we returned to the main entrance, which is a quite far and uncomfortable walk on high heels in a latex dress. Once arrived there the security men sent us back to the backstage entrance because we *really* had to be there. They ensured us that someone would come to open the door now. But after returning to the backstrange entrance, and waiting again, no-one came to open the door! Unbelievable... So we returned again to the main entrance and got in finally. But when we wanted to enter, the woman at the pay desk made problems and didn't want to let us in (while we had model & backstage passes). We decided to just run and make our way to the backstage. It wasn't a good moment for her to make stupid problems after letting us wait half an hour outside in the cold ;-)

Time to get ready for the catwalk show then. It was again a long time waiting before we could finally be on stage. But at least there could be plenty of nice company found in the backstage while waiting.

For the show I wore a dark pewter with black ensemble.

For the people who were there; I hope you enjoyed the show :)
Personally I think Brigitte More is very talented and made a great collection again.

By the time the show and the finale (involving all the models/designers/organizers) were done, it was after 3 a.m. I went to the backstage to change from my show-outfit to my party-outfit and got ready to start the real party.

Since it was already really late, the party didn't last long. But it was good! 

Together with Honeyhair and David Rikapt

And another party picture 
It got really late and drunk so we didn't go to bed before 8 in the morning. Luckily after the ball there's always a brunch (until 3 p.m.!) instead of a normal (early) breakast.
The rest of the day was really relaxed and I drunk a lot of coffee, haha.

In the evening there was the pool party. It took place in the swimming pool area of the hotel.

I chose a black&white outfit to wear in combination with a classic hairdo plus vribrant red lipstick. When we arrived at the pool party there were not many people present. I decided to take a little swim but the water turned out to be cold (!). Not very nice... But I took a swim anyway and enjoyed it. The feeling of latex in water is just very pleasant and exciting. Not for too long though because it was really too cold to stay in.
So time for a sauna visit then! The sauna was full unfortunately so we went inside the steam cabine. It was nice, wet, and hot. I really enjoyed this and stayed in for more than half an hour. It was also a very special experience wearing latex. This was the first time I did this, but certainly not the last :)
In the wellness area were also some heated foot baths. So of course I enjoyed this too...and it was very pleasant and also relaxing.
The pool party wasn't much of a party but it was a nice way to end this weekend for sure.

The next morning it was time to pack and go home. We checked out right after the breakfast and decided to group together with Belgium Marc, Jennifer, and Ifhegemeia Bernheart. (Marc has been so kind to offer us a ride to and back from Essen). Before to leave back home we would visit Villa Hügel, the house of the well-know german family Krupp.
It was a very interesting visit and nice surprise being located so very close to the hotel. I've been to Essen for several years now but never realised there was such an interesting place so near there.

Here are some pictures:

"This is my house" ...I wish! :)

Bdsm tools?

I hope you enjoyed reading :)

And like I said before, don't hesitate to give some constructive criticism about my writing or anything!

--- If you want to read more about this year's Fetish Evolution, this article on the Fetishistas is nice to read:

Monday, 11 June 2012

Fantastic Rubber, catsuits and body image

When I just started modeling, I absolutely hated catsuits.
Not in general, but just on myself when wearing one.

I've been very insecure about my body since I was a teenager. As a child I used to have a very slim and sporty figure, and I had a hard time to accept my body changing into a much more feminin and curvy shape. The main problem were my hips and I felt that they were unusually wide and completely out of proportion with the rest of my body. My waist has a circumstance of 62cm but my hips are 99cm, so that's a big difference.
While I loved the hourglass-shaped figures of other women, I hated it on myself. And it took several years (and a lot of wide pants and big wide skirts) to accept my own body.

In 2008 I did one of my first latex shoots with Josselin Guichard. He pushed me (and succeeded to convince me) to wear a black catsuit for the last part of the shooting.

Here you have 2 of the results:

I liked how they turned out, eventhough I thought/think that you can see how insecure I felt at that moment.

From this point on I started to be more and more interested in catuits, and also wearing them myself.
It took more than a year until I did a second shooting wearing a catsuit though... It's the "famous" shooting with Marcus Gloger, in the white Fantastic Rubber catsuit with the white balloons. The catsuits (and all rest of the concept) was completely Marcus' idea.
When I think about it...these pictures are even of my most favorites from any shooting I ever did.

This shooting is were I got to know "Fantastic Rubber". Fantastic Rubber is a german company founded by Peter Pick. They are specialized in neck-entry made-to-measure catsuits. When you've never tried on such catsuit it's almost unthinkable that someone would be able to get in on, with the neck as only entry hole. But surprisingly it goes very easily!
Since I posted the first pictures of myself in the white Fantastic Rubber neck-entry catsuit online, I received several emails from people who wanted to know more about these catsuits. The question always coming back is if it is really thát easy to get a neck-entry catsuit pulled on. And as I always answer; yes it is. You will be surprised and amazed :) Also the quality is great with a good finish.
After this first shooting I worked multiple times together again with Marcus Gloger and also Fantastic Rubber.
The white catsuit in combination with a Fantastic Rubber corset.

The "big boobs" catsuit.
The "big boobs" catsuit, in combination with a Fantastic Rubber corset.
The "Atlantis" catsuit.

My opinion about catsuits has turned around 180 degrees and now I just dream to have a LOT of catsuits in my latex collection. (Oh, I ordered a black metallic neck-entry catsuit from Fantastic Rubber recently. So there will be a blogpost + pictures about this very soon... Stay tuned!)
Also my opinion about my own bodyshape has changed. I accepted the way I am and am even happy with this. I wouldn't want to have another bodyshape. I even dare to say that a catsuit needs an hourglass shaped figure to be at its best.

Funny how some things can turn around like this :)

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Today (or tomorrow) should be the day that I finish writing my thesis. I'm doing a master in science of criminology and working on my thesis since a long time. It has been difficult and a lot of work.

When I had to get started, my topic was changed by the University. I wasn't happy with that because I loved my first topic and found it way more interesting. I could have done a lot of interviews and write a thesis with a very "human" and personal subject matter.
The topic I'm working on now is mainly statistical analysis and comparison of law and numbers. I've done research like this before and tend to find it quite boring. (Especially the way of working, not so much the subject itself).

Until 3 months ago I wasn't really happy with my thesis so I decided to change it to the utmost extent. Since this moment I worked hard on it and tried to finish a good and strong piece of work. (This is also the reason why I haven't been shooting a lot lately.)
Last week I've sent it in to my promoter and he gave me very positive feedback. So I was extremely happy :)  Apparently my work got a lot better in comparison with what I did before the point I basically started all over again.
For now I just have to correct some little mistakes, lay-out, page numbers...and then it will be finished.

Deadline is Monday 11th at 23h59. Wish me luck! :)

Friday, 8 June 2012

Blow-up doll

Last december I traveled to Bremen to shoot with L.A.tex Alexander Horn. We shot different outfits and finished with a blow-up catsuit from DeMask and corset on top. First I combined with a transparent with black hood from HW design. After this I changed to the "alien" mask from Rubear.

This shoot in heavy rubber is quite different than what you usually see from me, and I'm curious to hear your opionions. Do you like it or not?
Personally I love heavy rubber and would like to shoot more in this in the future.

I'm also looking for some nice hoods to buy. At the moment I only have 2 hoods in my personal latex collection, and they are both open-face. So time to change that! At first I think I will go for the cat-hood by HW design because I'm in love with this one since a long time.
But feel free to give me suggestions and tell me what you like. :)

Blog updates

Since I'm all new to having a blog, I'm still trying to figure out how everything works. Today I added some extra "gadgets". You can now subscribe via e-mail to follow this blog. I've also added a search function, and an overview of "followers". I hope you like that.

So far I have only one follower (thanks again EmWe! ;-) ), so it would be nice to have some more. Please share this blogsite or subscribe to follow (if you already have a Blogger/Google/... account).

Any help to get this blog a bit more popular would be much appreciated!! ♥

Time for me to go to bed now.
Good night!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Boudoir Bizarre

Take a look at the website of Boudoir Bizarre:

I knew I was on the flyer (preflyer and "real" flyer), but I didn't see the website I just discovered that every single menu-page has another picture of me! Haha, funny but nice to see :)

The pictures were all adjusted in Photoshop by Lara Aimée to match the purple theme of the party. They are all shot by Me-Chiel and come from different shooting sessions of last year.

Oh yes, so all the pictures are favorite color, haha! ♥

Here are the screenshots:

Too bad for me that the party is on the 30th of June...because I'm already busy then. There are at least 3 fetish parties I wish to attend at that same date (Boudoir Bizarre, Taste of Taboo, and Obscene Factory) but I can't split myself in 3...I wish I could, sometimes. :)

Any of you that planned to go to this party? Or maybe go to Taste of Taboo in Bremen or Obscene Factory in Paris?