Tuesday, 9 October 2012

VOTE for me to win the "Miss Fetish Europe" title!

I am nominated as one of the contestants for "Miss Fetish Europe", that will take place during the next Dominatrix party Saturday November 10th.

In total 8 models take part in this competition...and the competition is hard!
Look at all these beautiful girls...

Voting goes in 2 parts; 50% of the voting is by public voting (click *here* to vote), and 50% by a professional jury.
The winner will be announced during the "Fetish Dinner" that takes place in the same evening, before the party.

There are great prizes to win for the top-3 models:

Normally I am really not a fan of miss contest stuff and I always find it a big farce. That's also why I would never subscribe myself to it.
When I got nominated for this contest and got the news, I honestly hesitated for some days to refuse and distantiate from it.
But after taking everything into account, I am now happy with my choice to stay in the contest anyway. I mean...the party will be great, there will be plenty of great people, I will be able to enjoy a pleasant weekend off in a nice hotel, there are great prizes to win.
I should shut up and just be happy and honoured to be among this list of impressive models I guess :-)

I find it also a big difference to be "nominated for something" or to "actively apply". (It's a principle thing. For the same reason I also don't ask photographers to shoot with me, but let them ask me.)
The contest itself is quite "passive" and none of the models has to do something for it. Except for collection online votes of course.

Following the example of other models, I also made a vote-flyer:
Just a bit less serious as you can see ;-)

So cast your vote now! >> http://dominatrix.nl/MFE

It just takes a minute of your time and it would mean a lot to me.
And think about the fact that *if* I win (or am in the top 3) I will be able to buy new latex and use it for future shootings and have new pictures to show you. So win-win, haha ;-)

It will be my first Dominatrix party and I'm very excited to discover it. They have several dungeon areas, fashion shows, a mistress lounge...  In combination with the company of my friends, good music, and all the international attending models, this will be an awesome party. I'm sure!
(The party/contest is saturday november 10th and I'm definitely going to write an article about it here afterwards)

And now I'm already thinking about what outfit I can wear...

VOTE  VOTE   VOTE!  (voting is open until the 23th of October)


  1. Voila, you got my vote... Can't wait to have those pancakes :) Good luck

  2. You were my very first choice to vote for although the competition is incredibly hard.
    I was also not entirely sure if I wanted to be in the Best Up & Coming Model Competition, but it'll be fun and the incredible prices convinced me :p

