Thursday, 18 April 2013

Kitty Kay

In September 2012 I did a shoot with Ultimate Psycho in Lyon. They dressed me up like a black and pink kitty cat. I was wearing a full latex outfit including a nice corset, transparent ballet heels, and a double hood. I even had some little cat toys.. :)

On my website as well as on my facebook page, I always just upload 1 or 2 pictures per shooting set. I like to just give an overview and not have albums full of similar photos.
But it's a shame that many photos stay unseen this I decided to post a first series here.

Maybe some of you have already seen those pictures, since this set is also online on Ultimate Psycho's website, right *here* ;-)

The backstage video can be found here:

If you like this, I can post more series here in the future. Let me know in the comments!


  1. Cute set. Feel free to post more. :-)

  2. Excellent idea Kitty Kay :)
    And btw. you're a wonderful rubberpet :D

  3. You really made my day. :D Very funny photo set. I like that one, when you are licking the wrist of your hand. =D
