Tuesday 5 June 2012

First post

Since quite a long time I was thinking about and working on a website. I changed the design like 5 times already and was never really happy. I was also not sure about the whole website idea. I mean...what is the point for me? It would show some of my pictures and information and all, but you can see this on my Facebook and Model Mayhem profiles already.
So I decided to start a Blogger website, since it's much more interactive - which I think would be better/nicer.
I am not a good writer and too little spontanious...but I will try to make it work anyway :)

So we'll see about a real website later and for now you can follow me here on Blogger.com. 
I will regularly post new blogs about shootings, catwalks, outfits, events...or anything which comes in my mind at that time. If there's anything you'd like to read or see, don't hesitate to tell/ask me!

Have a nice week all ♥


  1. Good luck with your blog, check out mine if you like aswell http://www.agoge-pt.be

    I'll make sure to check this one from time to time ;-)


  2. Ah nice, it's you! :)
    Nice blog. I will check it from time to time.
    I'm all new to this blogging thing...is there any way to follow blogs automatically and have them all in a nice overview somewhere or so?

  3. Your doing a wonderful job
    Don't change for anyone but yourself

  4. Van wat ik tot nu toe gezien heb vind ik dat je goed kan schrijven hoor, ook al omdat het in het Engels gebeurt ;-) Ik kijk in ieder geval uit naar de komende blogs.

    Succes ! ;-)


  5. @Cory McCollum: Thank you so much! And that's a kind (and good) thing to say. I appreciate!

    @Tommy: Bedankt :) Mijn engels is verre van perfect maar is -denk ik- handiger dan om alles in het Nederlands te schrijven. Zolang het maar begrepen wordt he :)

  6. Nice, clean austere design! Do not overdo. Good Luck!

  7. Good decision, facebook sucks in so many ways ;)
    You just rock, even without latex, but with latex, you're a goddess! :P

  8. @EmWe: Thanks, I'm happy that you like it! Personally I like simple and clean the best. But I wasn't sure if it's not TOO simple :)

    @Diego: Indeed!!
    Oh, haha...thank you so much :$

    1. If you say so :) Then maybe add to background some cute detail, watermark or texture (like a latex shine) BUT do not overdo. Then it will be your ORIGINAL design.
      I'm so sorry… I dared to make a quick example http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5185908/Screen%20Shot%202012-06-05%20at%2017.42.53.png

    2. That's a good idea. Well, I already tried to add some watermark and textures and things...but nothing really worked out. Your example of the latex looks nice! But I have no idea how to make something like that :s

    3. For that you will need some picture editing software. But I will reveal the secret - I am a graphic designer. So ... I can prepare some backgrounds for such gorgeus woman. It will be a great honor for me ;) Do you have some favorite pictures, textures etc. Or any ideas what you want to see in background? What is your preffered colors?

    4. Nice secret.. :D and so kind of you that you want to help me! Thank you :)

      Hm well I really love the example you did with the latex.
      I would prefer to keep it really simple. So something shiny would be nice. And in the same purple as it is now if possible.

  9. Très bonne idée, le blog ! Un fond clair avec un contour pourpre, c'est simple mais ça va très bien.

    Il ne manque plus que quelques photos dont vous avez le secret et je suis entièrement d'accord avec Diego : sans latex, c'est déjà magnifique mais avec, ça l'est encore plus !

    Vivement la suite !!

    1. Merci beaucoup! Je suis heureuse que tu aimes l'idée de cet blog :)
      Et il y sera plus de photos dans le future...sans doute!

    2. Thanks for the french answer ;-)

  10. Dear Kay, since you have a functional profile on Model Mayhem, blog is an excellent choice over the website. And when you decide to create a website you will be able to link it to this blog or migrate the blog (the content) to your site. You can follow and manage blogs you are interested in with Google Reader.
